VF-124 Gunfighters

Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS)

The Big Fighter Rides Again…

The Gunfighters of VF-124 have taken on the task of bringing the venerable F-14B Tomcat back to the Fleet as a full-up member of Virtual CVW-8. The initial cadre of instructor pilots (Drivers) and radar intercept officers (RIOs) have done the hard work of developing, testing, and refining a syllabus that will allow virtual Tomcat crews to master the Big Fighter and employ it in a mil-sim manner within Virtual CVW-8. Having achieved Ready For Training status, VF-124 now stands ready as a fully commissioned Fleet Replacement Squadron.

Because the model of F-14 that is available to DCS simulation enthusiasts lacks the more modern systems that came along with the advent of the F-14D, there are challenges integrating its capabilities within an air wing that employs the F/A-18C and its full suite of situational awareness enhancing tools such as Link-16 and its ability to employ current generation weapons such as the Joint Direct Attack Munition. That said, the Tomcat does bring range and firepower to the fight, both in the air-to-air role, as well as the air-to-ground role with its ability to employ Paveway laser-guided bombs as well as tactical air launched decoys (TALD).

The Tomcat was designed from the ground up as a multi-crew aircraft, and to take full advantage of its capabilities, particularly in the older F-14B model, a skilled RIO is a requirement. While the Tomcat drivers must master the complex flight characteristics of the Tomcat, the RIOs have the very challenging job of mastering its radar systems, as well as the tactical communication format that is utilized in a mil-sim environment.

If you are looking for the opportunity to fly the Tomcat in a realistic manner, keep in touch with Virtual CVW-8 via our Discord page and express your interest. As with our Hornet recruiting philosophy, we will be looking for experienced Tomcat drivers who have already gotten a handle on flying the Big Fighter. You needn’t be an ace just yet, but much of your training will focus on tactical employment and execution and there is not much time in the syllabus for basic level instruction. Recruitment for new Tomcat aircrew will open in early 2023.