New Member Application


Prospective gains must be proficient in all basic skills of their aircraft, including (but not limited to): startup, field takeoff/landing, aerial refueling, formation flying, and CASE I recovery. Prospective gains ideally are familiar with basic combat systems employment. Tactics or advanced combat systems knowledge is not required, this will be taught during our FRTP (fleet readiness training plan) based on real world training. Virtual CVW-8 has a distinct SOP-driven manner of operations that will take new pilots some time to learn, so only pilots who meet the above prerequisite skill levels will currently be considered.

Restricted/Limited Recruiting Status: CVW-8 is focusing on quality and not quantity, typically only accepting approximately one or two member(s) per month, successful applications will be reached out to in either our Discord (if you joined) or with an email response. It may take some time to receive a response.

You are encouraged to take your time with it. Virtual CVW-8 is a community and prospective members who will find us to be a good fit for them will take the time to help us to get to know them through their responses. This application has evolved over the last two years as Wing leadership has learned valuable lessons and stands now as an effort to provide as much information about how the Wing operates, right up front. We do this because we value your time, as well as our own. There are many options out there for enjoying DCS in a multiplayer environment and we want everyone to find their right fit. For those seeking an authentic representation of Carrier Naval Aviation with a bunch of enthusiasts who love this stuff as much as you do. We look forward to receiving your application!